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Manat (मनात)

Manat (मनात)

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पाश्चात्य ज्ञानशाखांची ओळख मराठीत करून देण्याच्या अच्युतच्या प्रचंड प्रकल्पातील हे नवे पुस्तक. ’मनात’चे मुखपृष्ठ आणि मलपृष्ठ या मधल्या पाचशे - सहाशे पानांतून घरबसल्या मेंदू आणि मानस या विश्वाची विमानयात्रा घडेल. याहून स्वस्त एअरलाईन उपलब्ध नाही. - डॉ. अभय बंग

असंख्य वाचकांना मंत्रमुग्ध करून सोडेल अशी मानसशास्त्राची रंजक कहाणी सामाजिक कार्यकर्ते, समुपदेशक, विद्यार्थी, शिक्षक अशा सर्वांना प्रचंड उपयुक्त ठरेल. - डॉ. प्रकाश आमटे

’मनात’ - व्यापक अर्थानं माहिती देणारं अच्युतचं हे पुस्तक म्हणजे कुतूहल असणार्‍या प्रत्येक वाचकासाठी भरभरून असा खजिनाच आहे. - डॉ. रवी बापट

व्यापक, अभ्यासपूर्ण, विषयाची संपूर्ण ओळख करून देणारं, अतिशय पायाभूत माहिती असलेलं मानसशास्त्रावरचं अच्युतचं हे नव पुस्तक ’मनात’ फॅसिनेटिंग आहे. - डॉ मोहन आगाशे

’मनात’ मराठीत तर सोडाच पण भारतात लिहिल्या गेलेल्या मानसशास्त्राच्या कोणत्याही पुस्तकात सापडणार नाही इतका विस्तृत तपशील लालित्यपूर्ण शैलीतून मांडला आहे. - प्रा. एम. एन. पलसाने

श्री. अच्युत गोडबोले यांचा ’मनात’ हा ग्रंथराज म्हणजे चौकस वाचकांना मानसशास्त्राच्या प्रमुख अंगाचा परिचय करून देणारे बौध्दिक खाद्य ठरु शकेल - प्रा. डॉ. भरत देसाई

देव आणि दानव यांनी समुद्रमंथन करून ज्याप्रमाणे अमृत बाहेर काढलं त्याचप्रमाणे वैचारिक मंथन करून मानसशास्त्रासारखा कठीण विषयसुध्दा श्री. गोडबोले यांनी अत्यंत सोप्या शब्दात वाचकासमोर मांडला आहे . यामागे त्यांचं प्रदीर्घ वाचन आणि तपश्चर्या निश्चितच दिसून येते ! - डॉ. सुधाकर देशपांडे

इंग्रजीमध्ये विल ड्युरान्तच्या ’स्टोरी ऑफ फिलॉसॉफी’ या पुस्तकाचे जे अढळ स्थान आहे ते ’मनात’ या पुस्तकाला मराठीत मिळणार आहे हे निश्चित ! - डॉ. आनंद नाडकर्णी

’मनात’ या पुस्तकातला प्रत्येक शब्द विषयाचं मर्म उलगडून सांगत वाचकांशी सहज दोस्ती करणारा आहे. केवळ अच्युतच ते लिहू जाणे...! - डॉ. राजेंद्र बर्वे

मानसशास्त्रावरचं ’मनात’ हे अच्युतनं लिहिलेलं पुस्तक वाचलं आणि त्यांच्या उत्तुंग आणि अचाट प्रतिभेची प्रचिती आली. हे पुस्तक नक्कीच एक इतिहास घडवणार यात शंकाच नाही! - डॉ. प्रदीप पाटकर.


Manat book is introduction to psychology in an interesting way. Manat book is written by Achyut Godbole. 

Every field of science has vast history of centuries efforts taken by several people. The journey is colossal. And so is this book. It's an interesting journey of how psychology is evolved as a science. From the times when the heart was believed as the think-tank and no one paid attention to the brains as a master of body, when the mental disorders were considered as a curse from previous life and were dealer brutally to the era of emotional quotient, the author takes us to the every significant achievement in the field.

Manat book starts with interesting prologue where author talks of his encounters with psychology and the making of Alfred Hitchcock's movie, psycho. 
The seeds of psychology are found in all three early civilizations. Hippocrates, Democrates, Socrates, Plato covered some theories about how human think and feel. Some of the theories (Like Plato's belief that feelings traverse through blood vessels, or Aristotle's concept of heart as a center of feelings) are ruled out. However the concept of storing memories in brains, or Hippocrates's argument of mind being master of feelings and all actions did actually proved with time. Vedant, and Buddha also talked about human mind and its nature. However it took 18th century to realize that any mental disorder is not a fault or sin of the patient but a disease and it can be treated. Earlier the mental hospitals did not exist and the patients were kept in prisons where they were treated with contempt and cruelty.
Then came Phrenology (to measure intelligence shape and size of skull) and after a few years dismissed due to lack of any proof between intelligence and the structure of skull. Meanwhile medical science took over and surgeons like Wernike and Broka discovered the centers of speech production and comprehension. There's a very interesting story about Broka. He was humanitarian and active in social welfare. He founded a group named Free thinkers which scared the French government. They believed that like Socrates, he was misguiding youngsters and hence the police started spying on him and attended all his lectures on Mythology, physiology, medical science, psychology. Once the police got bored and asked him permission to go out and requested him not to give provocative lectures meanwhile. Broka, in turn, chided them to do their duty!

Manat book also gives the simplified account of the complexity of neurons, Dendrites, and synapse and their function to accumulate, store, spread thoughts. Though it is academic part it's no less interesting than the case studies and psychology experiments. There's also history of IQ and its part in world war decisions, how intelligence and idiot savant differ, importance of emotional quotient and social and ecological intelligence. How a book on psychology can be complete without talking of feelings? The scientists tried to measure the intensity of feelings by monitoring body reactions. How the memories are stored, amnesia, different states of sleep in humans, dreams, language and the unsuccessful results of teaching a chimpanzee to speak, illusion, vision and perception of depth and movement in man and animals. Talking of amnesia, there's story of Agatha Christie being disappeared for a few days and found after a frantic search in a hotel living under the false identity. She was said to be under attack of amnesia.

Throughout the book there are references to the books, right from 1984 or Brave new world to Freuds's essays, Fear of freedom, I'm ok - you're ok, The sane society and a lot like that. I have created a separate shelf named AGs recommendation on goodread for them.
Also I got some movies recommendations including Blow hot blow cold, psycho, the castaway, Girl intercepted, the hours, rain man,sweethearts.
It includes all the major contributors and I cannot keep track of all of them but few of them were writers and now I've a bit elongated "to-read" list.
It's one of those books that make some change in our daily lives and is entertaining all the.

// Manat is a famous marathi book of all times.


// Manat is a best marathi book.

// Best / top marathi book at all time.

ISBN No. :9789391629755
Author :Achyut Godbole
Publisher :Madhushree Publication
Binding :Paperback
Pages :601
Language :Marathi
Edition :2013/06/01-18th/2012 - 48th/ 2023
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